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In our daily work as communication experts, we are confronted with many questions, choices and decisions. Often with ones that challenge us not only as experts, but also as individuals. For orientation in these circumstances, we share a certain set of rules at Chapter 4.

Some of them cover the field of communication ethics and have been well outlined in the Helsinki Declaration of ICCO, that stands firmly on all international principles of ethical work. So, here are our reasons for supporting the Declaration:

  1. Ethics are the core of our professional work.
  2. An “ethical compass” actually makes it much easier to take the right decisions.
  3. Every one of us should respect the truth, dealing honestly and transparently with employees, colleagues, clients, the media, governments and the public.
  4. Each and every one of us holds responsibility for the reputation of our profession.
  5. We strive towards highest professional standards in our work and our communication.
  6. Unethical business behaviour is a universal problem and represents a major threat to every business and every society.
  7. What we know about the importance of these principles and about ethical standards in best practice PR, is something you, as our partners, should also be aware of.
  8. At the end of the day, credibility is all we have.


More information about the Helsinki Declaration of Ethical Work in the PR Industry is available here(link is external).