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Chapter 4 Bulgarien erhält zum zweiten Mal den EUROPEAN EXCELLENCE AWARD

For the second time Chapter 4 Bulgaria won an award at the 10-th anniversary of the prestigious European Excellence Awards 2016, thus becoming the only Bulgarian PR agency awarded twice with this extremely high international recognition.

Anelia Milkova, managing director of the agency, personally accepted the award at a ceremony held on December 8 in Berlin.

The winning project of Chapter 4 Bulgaria is the promotion of the online platform "Everything about premature babies," realized by "Our premature babies" foundation with the support of AbbVie and was awarded as the best campaign in the category National and regional campaigns "Balkans". The project gained distinction among six countries - Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in competition of over 1,600 candidates. This is another step forward in support of the cause of premature children in Bulgaria, as well as great recognition for the PR community in Bulgaria.

"Winning for the second time an award at the European Excellence Awards 2016 in the conditions of such a great competition - more than 1600 European projects, is amazing recognition for the whole team of Chapter 4 Bulgaria. A reason for even greater pride is the fact that Chapter 4 Bulgaria is the only Bulgarian agency awarded twice at the most prestigious European competition. The award is a testament to the realization of a very good communication and building on an idea that has become a cause for our entire team." said Anelia Milkova, Managing Director of Chapter 4 Bulgaria.

In 2014, Chapter 4 of Bulgaria won its first distinction at the competition European Excellence Awards for the best campaign in the region of Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina with the campaign, entitled 'The greatest heroes are the smallest ones", realized for the "Our premature babies" foundation.

The project awarded this year,, is the first online platform of its kind in Bulgaria and Europe and a comprehensive handbook for parents of premature infants -"Everything about premature babies." It is extremely important as one of ten children is born prematurely, and parents do not have access to exhaustive information about the special care that premature babies need. Unfortunately despite the proper monitoring of pregnancy and the preventive measures this could happen to anyone.  platform offers fast and easy access to information, it is available to all those who are related to the care of premature babies and helps parents, for whom overcoming this challenge requires a lot of strength and support in tough moments. Through this new online platform and the manual "Everything about premature babies" parents have the opportunity to consult experts and find in the easiest, fastest and most affordable way the necessary information about their children.

European Excellence Awards is an international competition that awards the best European projects in the field of communications in different regions and fields. The awards provide a comprehensive view of communication success throughout Europe. The jury consists of 38 European experts with extensive experience in the field of communications. The first phase of the voting is held online, then at a two-day meeting the members of the jury select the finalists for the European Excellence Awards. The main selection criteria are creativity, innovation, realization and strategy of the participating projects. For the 2016 edition more than 1,600 projects across Europe participated in the competition. This year's European Excellence Awards celebrate its 10th anniversary.